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Teleperformance Guyana Inc. Fire Rated Emergency Exit Doors and Devices

Supply and Installation of Fire Rated Emergency Exits

Our Client (Teleperformance Guyana Inc.) requested the supply and installation of seven emergency exit doors with product that are both durable and tested. We were confident that our offering from De La Fontaine Inc. and Townsteel Inc. would satisfy every demand.

There were unique site conditions, being a call centre, a 24hr operation existed with lag times between floors, this meant installations could only be conducted during certain hours. Additionally there were restrictions limiting the number of openings that could be worked-on at a given time.

We submitted our work programme in-keeping with the site restrictions, got approval and completed our installations.

What was supplied and installed- seven prefinished, 18 gauge polystyrene core steel doors, Fire-Rated Emergency exit bars with external lever trim and door closers.

Project Gallery

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